1000 Fillmore Road, State College, PA 16803

Windswept Farm Lamb Share – DEPOSIT

This purchase is a deposit to reserve your October 2024 Windswept Farm lamb share. The remainder of payment will be due at the time of processing and based on the hanging weight of the animal (see pricing section below). We will contact you to schedule a date and for cut & wrap requests..

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Reserve your October 2024 Windswept Farm lamb share today! This purchase is a DEPOSIT towards the total price of your share, which will be determined at processing based on the hanging weight of the animal (SEE PRICING SECTION BELOW). After your deposit has been received, we will contact you to  before processing to get cut & wrap info. Our next processing date  will be on October 3, 2024

Our Sheep

Our Katahdin lamb is  grass-fed and antibiotic-free, raised with love on pasture here at Windswept Farm in State College, PA.  The Katahdin breed is a wonderful breed known for their pleasant demeanors, hardiness on pasture and exceptionally lean, mild-tasting meat.

Our sheep serve an integral part in our mission of regeneration on the farm. They contribute to carbon sequestration by maintaining the pastures and fertilizing the perennial forages that build our topsoil while producing a high quality, nutrient-dense, local & sustainable food source with a minuscule carbon footprint.


A Windswept lamb share is going to save you money compared to purchasing items retail, and give you a broad range of cuts to work with. This purchase is a deposit on your lamb share. The remainder will be due upon processing when we know the final hanging weight of the animal. We will contact you at that time for the remaining payment.

Half Share deposit= $100

Full Share deposit= $200

Our pricing is based on the hanging weight of the animal (hanging weight = weight of the carcass minus head, entrails and pelt). You can choose between a whole share and a half share and will take home ~75% of the hanging weight in the final cut and wrapped packages, depending on your selections. This pricing is in addition to the butcher’s fees (~$160/whole animal, or market value at time of processing).

Half share – $11.25/ lb. based on the hanging weight of the animal (~20-27.5 lb. hanging weight)

Whole share – $10.75/ lb. based on the hanging weight of the animal (~40-55 lb. hanging weight)


A whole lamb share includes the following options:

  • Two Legs – Choose from Bone-in Roast, leg steaks, stew meat or ground lamb
    • A standard “leg of lamb” is a Bone-in Roast
  • Two Shoulders – Choose from Bone-in Roast, Arm Steaks, Stew meat or Ground lamb (2-3#)
  • Ribs – choose from Whole rack (frenched, or not frenched), rib chops, or stew meat
  • Loin – Choose from tenderloin (whole), saddle roast, loin chops or loin roast
    • Expect 8-10 loin chops, the standard is 1 ¼” thick, but customers can choose a different thickness if they’d like
  • Sirloin – sirloin steaks
  • Neck – choose sliced neck steaks, or a neck roast
  • Breast and foreshank – rolled breast, foreshank, stew meat
  • Flank and hindshank – flank steak, hind shank, stew meat
  • Organs – liver, heart, kidney
  • Other – tongue, suet (kidney fat), sausage
  • Bones – Soup Bones – knuckle or Marrow
    • If you choose your roasts to be bone-in there won’t be many additional bones

All cuts will be vacuum-sealed in plastic and frozen, unless requested fresh.


Additional information

Half or Whole Share Deposit

Half Share, Whole Share